Research and Quality & Impact tool

The field of higher education changes rapidly and this leads to the necessity of redefining strategies and internationalization activities of higher education institutions.

Staff mobility is a key factor in internationalization and therefore should be a top priority, according to the Erasmus Impact Study (2014).

The first part of this intellectual output, the research focuses on staff mobility of academics, and in particular, teaching mobility. This type of mobility has been given less focus in research and its promotion often lacks systematic efforts, however strategic approach evidently supports the professional development of teaching staff and improvement of internationalization.

In order to put more focus on the importance of teaching mobility, the research aims to identify and define the quality aspects of teaching mobility. The research uses quantitative and qualitative tools to uncover the key supporting and hindering factors in quality aspects of teaching mobility. The research results came from collecting and analyzing 33 semi-structured interviews, one focus group with various stakeholders, and a large, international survey-based quantitative research with 745 academics from European higher education institutions.

The research discovered a number of factors that affect the quality of teaching mobilities from organizational to personal elements, including hindering factors.

To explore the research in depth, please open the following Research Report or its executive summary.


The second part of this intellectual output is the Quality and Impact Tool for Teaching Mobility Assessment (QUITTMA). This tool was created with the intention to provide quality assurance tools for management and administrative staff of higher education institutions and to individual academics to enhance their teaching mobility experience. Its development is based on the finding of the Teach with Erasmus+ Research Report.

The tool will help higher education institutes or organisations to receive tangible, up-to-date, evidence-based and objective picture about the current quality of teaching mobility at their Institution.

The tool might be used to conduct large-scale measurements on the quality of teaching mobility on European level too.

For more details, please open the Quality and Impact Tool for Teaching Mobility Assessment and the annexes with examples of a customer journey map and a user persona.